I originally saw this idea on pinterest here. It sure is cute. I had an old frame and a new baby girl, so I thought I’d give it a go.
List of supplies needed for this project:
- Old Frame
- Spray paint
- Antiquing glaze (I have been using Valspar from Lowe’s)
- Ribbon
- 1″ Cup Hooks (hardware store)
- Hot glue gun
- sandpaper or steal wool
- paper towels/rags
- Foam brush
- Drill gun
- Drill bits
- Ruler/measuring tape
If your old frame has a shiny finish on it, you’ll want to scuff up the surface with sandpaper before painting to give the paint something to adhere to. Make sure to clean as much of the dust off your frame. Spray paint the frame and allow adequate drying time according to label, approx. 24 hours. Once the paint is no longer sticky, you can apply the antiquing glaze. Paint it on the surface, getting it in all of the grooves. Use a damp paper towel/rag to remove the excess glaze. Then use a dry paper towel to clean up the frame, leaving the glaze where you want it. Allow the glaze to dry.
Decide on how many strips of ribbon you’d like to use. I probably should have put one more on mine, but didn’t want to buy another roll of ribbon 🙂 Measure the inside width/opening of your frame and measure the width of your ribbon. Here is the equation for your ribbon spacing:
[(Frame width) – (# of ribbon strips) x (ribbon width)] / (1 + # ribbon strips) = space between ribbons
example: inside frame width is 19″, 4 ribbons that are 1.5″ wide. (19–6)/5 = 2.6″ (about 2 5/8″)
On the backside of your frame, on both the top and bottom, mark where your ribbon strips will go. Cut ribbon strips a little short of the length of your frame. Start with the top of the ribbons and hot glue them into place. Once the hot glue has set, stretch the ribbon tight and glue the bottom parts of the ribbons into place. Hold the ribbons down until the glue is set. Repeat for the rest of the ribbons.
Next mark where you want the hooks to go. I put hooks every inch on the bottom of the frame. A tip for picking out a bit to drill pilot holes is to hold up the bit shaft to your screw, the bit should be about the same size as the solid part of the screw but the threads should be showing.
Drill pilot holes in the frame. Once the pilot holes are drilled, the hooks are easily screwed in by hand.
Enjoy your new girly storage display!
I love this idea. I could actually keep track of my daughters bows with one of these. Thank you!